Reading Rothesay’s Council package for tonight’s meeting. Here are some numbers that are worth noting.
From the Town’s own presentation:
Rothesay’s General Fund Long Term Debt in 2013 was $3,722,000.
In 2015 it is $7,407,000 – a 96.7% increase in 2 years.
That is a 96.7% increase from 2013 to 2015. Put another way, The longterm debt has nearly doubled from 2013 to 2015, and this doesn’t include the $2,400,000 of debt for the Rothesay Common.
The net debt per person for each of Rothesay’s 11496 residents rose nearly 35% from $875.00 per person to $1,179.00 per person in the same period.
This is a record that Councillors will have to explain to voters between now and May 9th. Let us know what you think write us at